Gluten-free cannoli
A National Treasure
Next to all the amazing treasures Italy already beholds, there is another one that I would like to add to the list as one of Italy’s finest national treasures. Yes, I am talking about their gluten-free cannoli! If it was up to me this would be 100% part of their official cultural heritage. The first bite of a gluten-free cannoli left me swaying around the room exclaiming loud sounds of mmm with a smile on my face of pure satisfaction! And this wasn’t even from a cannoli from Italy! I experienced my first gluten-free cannoli outside Italy, namely in Oxford, United Kingdom, from a restaurant called La Smorfia. Needless to say, I was hooked on the first bite. The crunchy, sticky, sweet outside with the rich, creamy flavor inside, combined with a cannoli shell, makes one very happy. I have favorite flavors, like pistachio and hazelnut. Although this is a very sweet dessert, flavors like lemon are a bit too sweet for me. Usually, a flavor like lemon contains even more sugar to counter the sourness of the lemon. But don’t get me wrong, if only lemon was offered, I would still devour it:) I haven’t tried one that is lactose free yet, but for gluten-free cannoli I am popping some lactose pills!
As I mentioned before the first cannoli, I tried was from this lovely place called La Smorfia. As a Dutchie, the name sounded unfamiliar to me, so I did a little bit of research and apparently it is commonly known as the book of dreams. La smorfia is a book that details the Neapolitan tradition of interpreting dreams by associating them with numbers. It links every event, person, word or object in a dream into a number. After, you’ve analyzed your dream and correspond them with the numbers, traditionally Italians will then be betting those number on the state Lottery. You may know that Italians are big fans of the Lotto. To view the review of the restaurant click here!
Price for four cannoli’s at LA Smorfia via Deliveroo: £9,95.
Gluten free cannoli from La Smorfia: Chocolate, White chocolate, Pistachio and Hazelnut.
Safety: the owner is a celiac but food with gluten are also on the premises.